Jun 1, 2019 | Beer Garden, Beer Release
We are planning to release a new beer every week in June this year. Read on for details on each brew! Thursday, June 6 – Kettle Sour Test Batch #2 We are refining our kettle sour recipe and tried something new for Batch #2. (Hey, that rhymes!) This time we...
May 2, 2019 | Beer Release, Monthly Events, News
So many fun things happening this month! Our first seasonal beer in cans! The outdoor patio opens! Taco pop-up! Mother’s Day brunch! BBQ, Burgers and Falafel! And we are starting a Beer Garden at Hale Farm?! This is crazy! Thursday, May 2 – Can Release...
Jan 2, 2019 | Beer Release, Brewery Info, News
We started our Di⋅ver⋅gent releases, a never-ending series of American IPAs, back in December of 2016. While the majority of our beers are brewed in a traditional English-style, this series allows us to be creative with hop and malt combinations, delivering on what...
Jul 2, 2018 | Monthly Events, News
July is all about BEER at Gentile Brewing. We’re having fewer pop-ups this month, but in exchange we are releasing three new beers including the first ever NEIPA served at Gentile. Read on to find out more! The Beers This July is going to be forever known as...