Aug 1, 2018 | Brewery Info, Monthly Events, News
Normally, we don’t typically write these blogs in straight chronological order, but there are so many different (and great!) events happening at the taproom in August that it seems to make the most sense to present them in order. So here we go, Gentile Brewing...
Jun 10, 2018 | Brewery Info
As the Summer of 2018 quickly approaches we are planning what more we, as Gentile Brewing Company, can give you, our customers. Some have asked if we will have Sunday hours, others have asked if we will be open during the Beverly Farmers’ Market. And still more...
Mar 7, 2018 | Brewery Info, News
That first weekend of March was a busy one, but we are not slowing down! Join us this month as art returns to the taproom walls, two more beers will be released, two new vendors will serve up their food, and we tap a cask. Thursday, March 8 – Brett Mason Art...
Feb 21, 2018 | Brewery Info, News
It’s hard to believe we’re already writing about March 2018, but we are and boy do we have a great month of beer and events in store for you. We officially opened our taproom doors on March 4, 2016 at 4pm and as such will be celebrating our two year...
Feb 20, 2018 | Brewery Info
It’s that time of year! It’s time for Gentile Brewing Mug Club sign-ups. If you’re interested in being a member of the Mug Club you can sign up at the taproom on Thursday, February 22 6-10 p.m. Memberships will be available until until they’re sold...