Gentile Beer Garden at Hale Farm

Gentile Beer Garden at Hale Farm

Gentile Brewing Company and Historic Beverly are teaming up to bring you Beverly’s first recurring Beer Garden at historic Hale Farm taking place every Saturday from June 1, 2019 through September 14, 2019, from 2-6pm. If you have never been to this property, it...
March 2019 Taproom Events

March 2019 Taproom Events

Ah, March. That month in New England where you are almost there, but not quite. We have some fun beers and events planned to help you slog through it! Going to start this one with February 28 because that begins the first weekend of March for us. Thursday, February 28...
February 2019 Taproom Events

February 2019 Taproom Events

Busy, busy, busy! Welcome to the shortest month of the year that makes March seem like the longest month of the year. Attention current Mug Club Members: Renewals will begin on Friday, February 1. You have the month of February to renew. After all existing Mug Club...
Di⋅ver⋅gent in Cans At Last

Di⋅ver⋅gent in Cans At Last

Cans of Di⋅ver⋅gent? Who wants cans of Di⋅ver⋅gent? Get them at the taproom in limited 16oz 4-packs on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 2 p.m. ET. They’ll be on sale until they’re gone.    About this batch of Di⋅ver⋅gent:  A mash up of our first three recipes...
January 2019 Taproom Events

January 2019 Taproom Events

Happy 2019! Holy cow it’s the New Year! January is going to be a fun month at the taproom, two new beers, two casks, one new food vendor and three old favorites. Thursday, January 3 – Beer Release: Altbier Literally “old beer” this is the dark...